Mason-Dixon Rules and Regulations 2023

1.  MDPRS Divisions

The MDPRS will have 4 divisions.  All shooters must declare the division in which they will be competing when they register for a match. Shooters are permitted to shoot in multiple Divisions in the same season.  It is imperative for shooters to ensure they are registered in the correct division for all matches if they plan on competing in multiple divisions. It is the shooter’s responsibility to ensure they are scored in the correct division. Failure to do so will result in a Match DQ. The following rules govern each of the divisions.

1.1  Open Division

Open Division rifles will be any caliber up to and including .308 Winchester, no magnum calibers, with a maximum velocity of 3,150 fps. (Magnum calibers include carriages with a bolt face larger than .473)

1.2 Production Division

Production Division will follow the same rules as Precision Rifle Series. PRS Rules can be found here.

1.3 Tactical Division

Tactical Division rifles will be those that meet the guidelines as detailed in the Precision Rifle Series rules.  It is the shooters responsibility to make sure their equipment falls within these guidelines. PRS Rules can be found here.

1.4 Gas Gun Division

Gas Gun rifles will be those that meet the guidelines as detailed in the Precision Rifle Series rules.  It is the shooters responsibility to make sure their equipment falls within these guidelines. PRS Rules can be found here.

2.  Match & Series Scoring

2.1  Match scoring will be completed using a performance system where the first-place shooter receives 100 points and all other shooters (regardless of Division) will receive points by dividing their score by the winner’s score and multiplying that number by 100.  At the season finale, the first-place shooter will receive 150 points and all other shooters will receive points by dividing their score by the winner’s score and multiplying that number by 150.

2.2  Series scoring will be determined by totaling individual scores from three (3) matches.  The shooter’s best 3 scores (total as points) from any a minimum of two locations will be used.  The final standings for the series will be the total of a shooter’s 3 best matches and finale score. You must compete in the finale to be eligible for series awards.

2.3  To facilitate season scoring, all shooters must use the same email address to sign up for matches in Practiscore all season. If you need to change your email address please contact Joseph Gentile at

3.     Finale Qualification

To guarantee a spot in the series finale, a shooter must meet all of the following criteria.

3.1  Shoot 3 matches, with at least two at different club locations.

3.2  Finish the season in the top 20 of the Open Division, top 3 of the Tactical Division, or top 3 of the Limited Division.  Additional spots will be filled based on the percentage of matches shot in each division.

3.3  Support the MDPRS and your fellow shooters by acting as Match Director or Range Officer for at least one match during the current season.

3.3.1 In the event you are unable to attend a match you are scheduled to RO, a minimum of two hour notice is required. That communication should be directly with the match director for the match you are scheduled to RO. Failure to provide proper notice will result in the shooter being banned at the annual Finale.

4.     Match Registration

Registration for all matches will be conducted using  Registration for each match will open at 8pm EST on the Monday 4 weeks prior to the match date.

4.1  Match spots are first-come, first-served, and tend to fill quickly. Match fees are paid at the time of registration and squads can be picked immediately. 

4.2  All match fees are non-refundable. Match spots can be sold if the original shooter is unable to make the match.  

4.3 Match registration can be transferred to another shooter up to the day of the Match. Shooters can do this by forwarding the “Personal Match Management” email from Practicescore to the new shooter. The new shooter is then able to edit the registration information to reflect their information. NO ASSISTANCE FROM THE MDPRS BOD or MDs is required, nor will it be provided. Shooter’s names must appear on the roster in PractiScore to shoot.

4.4  Mandatory attendance for a safety briefing.  All participants must be checked-in and on-site at the start of the match safety briefing.  If you have not checked-in on the registration sheet and do not respond when the MD calls your name, you are considered absent and will not be allowed to participate in the match.

5.     Facilities

5.1  Mayberry Game Protective Association (MGPA)

2555 Mayberry Road

Westminster, MD 21158

5.2  New Holland Rifle & Pistol Club (NHRPC)

589 Meetinghouse Road

Gap, PA 17527

5.3 Mifflin County Sportsman’s Association

400 Ellen Chaple Ln.

Lewistown, PA, 17044 

6.     Code of Conduct, Sportsmanship, and Shooter Responsibility

6.1  Unsportsmanlike conduct by any participant will not be tolerated.

6.2  Unsportsmanlike conduct includes but is not limited to: arguing with other competitors or match officials, throwing of equipment or any other temper tantrum-like behavior, heckling other shooters while they are shooting, use of vulgar/offensive language, habitual whining, and any other action that may be outside the norm of what is considered to be professional behavior.

6.3  Penalties for unsportsmanlike infractions are left to the discretion of the MD. The general guidelines for MD’s are first-time offenders are given a warning and their second offense will result in a Match DQ and they will be asked to leave the premises. If, however, the MD determines the infraction to be of a serious nature, he/she may have the offender removed immediately.

6.4  Habitual offenders risk a full-season suspension and disqualification from the series finale.  This can only be enforced by the BOD.

6.5  Shooter Responsibility

The shooter is solely responsible for ensuring that he/she fully understands the MDPRS and match rules, as well as the COF prior to starting the stage. Shooters are completely responsible for the equipment they are shooting to include their firearms and ammo. A firearm deemed to be unsafe can be grounds for removal from the match. Shooters are solely responsible for their score.  If there are any questions about a score for the stage, it must be addressed immediately.  Any scores arbitrated at the end of the match will be compared with the paper score sheets.  There will be no changes to a shooter’s score that cannot be confirmed by the paper score sheets.  There will be no changes made to any competitor’s score past the conclusion of the match.

6.6  Reshoots

Reshoots shall only be permitted in the event of an interruption of the stage that was outside the control of the shooter. This may include broken targets, called ceasefires for any reason not caused by the shooter, a broken prop or shooting support, or any other deemed reasonable by the RO. Reshoots will not be permitted for equipment malfunctions or for shooters who claim to have not understood the stage rules. The RO can give a shooter the option for a reshoot without having been asked by the shooter if the RO observes an incident that hindered the shooter. The shooter can request a reshoot if he/she believes one is warranted.  However, the RO must contact the MD and allow them to make the final determination.

There are two types of reshoots. 1)A Full Reshoot means the shooter will run the entire COF over from start to finish. 2) A Partial Reshoot means the shooter is placed in the exact same position they were in at the time of the stoppage and will have the exact amount of time placed back on the clock which was remaining at the time of the stoppage. If either the position or the time remaining cannot be determined, the shooter must take a full reshoot.  Once a shooter reshoots a stage, they MUST take the reshoot score

7.     Additional series info

Please refer to the following websites for match dates, registration, and other pertinent info.

7.1  Match dates and registration will be on Practiscore

7.2  The official MDPRS Facebook group

7.3 The official webpage for MDPRS
